.......is how I explain myself after watching this
I really DISPISE REVIEWERS the Reviewers on TMNT REBEL are talking about when they say
*WARNING* bull shit detected ----->" Eats Pie: ure not good at it this random, Eatspie 2 years ago really doesn't know what He/she is talking about Seriously, unless they must be a prep and not down to earth .... anyway
my kind of humor .............. Its priceless, when I watched this about 2 years back It is NOw EPIC too me now that i'm watching it again two years later. Since i'm familiar with FInal fantasy I really get alot of things that this parody shows, which is the funniest stuff I have ever encountered, even professional shows arent as funny as this.. VERY NICE! I just am shocked of your works, your the best I know.
I really didn't think about making a NewGrounds account until now soo i'm recent. but I have visited new grounds alot in the past anyway ....... x< this is a wierd Review xD